The purpose of this site is to provide a quick and easy snapshot of what is going on in our Texas-world (and now Iraq and Afghanistan, when possible) to friends and family. Although comments are welcome, and encouraged, it is not intended to be a chat site much like the popular social networking sites have turned in to.


New Garage (Last updated: 04July)

(Beginning at bottom)

Finished caulking and sealing.

Electrical... DONE!

Outlets all wired, now just need to finish lighting circuits and electrical will be done.

Starting my own rock quarry.

One side down, three to go.


Half way there...

I'm on a roof!

Finished papering the other side, with an hour left of daylight, before the storm rolls in tonight.

Didn't get as much done as I wanted to today (both sides papered) but getting blown off the roof would have been a real setback.  So, "slow-and-steady" it was.

Got tired of dragging out the extension ladder when I needed to go up top. 

Ready to raise the roof!

Ridge beam up.

Neighbor "Max" keeping me company, jamming to the sounds of "Heavy Metal Christmas".

Joists hung.

"The Apprentice".  Grandpa would be proud.

Why do I need another garage you ask?

Now there's a fresh new slab just waiting to get built on.

Then came the forms...

In the beginning...

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